Beautiful beyond words
This was incredibly moving,; first time I was almost brought to tears from a flash. Bravo.
Beautiful beyond words
This was incredibly moving,; first time I was almost brought to tears from a flash. Bravo.
Very well done!
This is very good, clearly has alot of effort put into it! Look forward to when it comes out. X3;
I'm curious to how you made your text effects like that? Mind me asking if you could direct me to any helpful source? If not, thats alright. ^^
Absolutely amazing.
Breathtaking. Intense. Fast. Beautiful.
Only few words can desribe it.
I'm speechless. You kept your storytelling simple, yet extravagent. ^^
Oh, the randomness... XD;
You've got talent
The animation was amazing.... very well done!
This piece really had me in awe, not just the originality and animation, but the point behind the story. I really admire it. :)
Just another animator-wannabe =]
Age 34, Male
Eh? ;D
Joined on 6/9/07